We previously posted a blog about NJ Young CEO Squaddie, "Dan The Straw Man." And we're circling back with an exciting update to that story!

Daniel is 12 years old and is a 6th grader in Cape May, New Jersey. He started his Young CEO Squad business on April 20th and after posting on Facebook, started selling out of product very quickly. About 2 months later he has been able to make a total of $250 in contributions to charities that are important to him. "It's important to me to not only make my own money, but to make money to be able to help others too," Dan shared. Dan has also been able to make several significant deposits to his savings account.
Dan's Charity Donations include:
$100 to The Branches of Rio Grande, an outreach center that serves to provide a safe, positive environment for the elderly, disabled, homeless and marginalized individuals and families
$50 donation to Together We Rise, a national organization that helps kids in foster care
$50 donation to Family Promise of Cape May, a non-profit that helps families who are experiencing homelessness
$50 donation to his local zoo, which he looks forward to visiting when it re-opensÂ

He hopes that other members of the Young CEO Squad will consider using a portion of their profits to give back also. "It's exciting every time I have a sale", Dan said, "it's exciting to have my own business and to make my own money. It's a great feeling! It's an even better feeling when I can use some of that money to help someone else. There's no better feeling than the feeling you're doing something to make the world a better place. You're never too young to help make a better world for everyone."
We couldn't agree more!Â
Have a story about a Young CEO Squaddie who's making the world a better place? Please share it with us! Email suzanne@youngceosquad.com